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Full-time courses and apprenticeships to achieve your career or university goals
Part-time courses, Higher Education and apprenticeships to enhance your career
Apprenticeships and sector-focused courses to develop the skills of your workforce
A range of support to suit your needs
City College is fully committed to ensuring that all students achieve their full potential. We provide excellent resources, advanced technology, dedicated staff and a range of services to help support you throughout your studies.
For an overview of our student support services, take a look at our Student Support Booklet (pdf).
The Department of Education announced funding to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID pandemic. The Department of Education announced funding to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID pandemic, view the Government's 16 to 19 Tuition Fund Statement (pdf)
Whilst at City College, you may need extra support to assist your learning needs. Our dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) have a wealth of experience in supporting students with learning difficulties and disabilities. They use positive and engaging strategies to overcome barriers to learning.
We may be able to offer:
For more information, or to discuss any learning support needs, please email learningsupport@southampton-city.ac.uk
Find out more information about our SEND Policy (pdf).
We want to ensure that all our students are successful and happy. There is nothing more important than enjoying your studies and feeling supported during any stressful times. From time to time we all need extra help and we recognise students may need someone to talk to.
Our Student Advisers can offer support with personal issues relating to finance, housing, health or anything else that may impact on your safety, wellbeing and your ability to attend college.
We are also able to provide strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help with common mental health problems, such as low mood and anxiety.
For more information email pastoralsupport@southampton-city.ac.uk
Our Learning Resource Centre can provide you with a wealth of learning resources (printed and electronic) to help you with your studies, printing and scanning facilities, computer access, laptop and iPads, free Wi-Fi and quiet study zones.
Our friendly and helpful Learning Centre staff are on-hand to help you with your research and resource needs. They offer a range of workshops and 1-2-1 tuition to help you with your studies, on subjects such as research and digital skills, online resources and referencing. 1-2-1 reading support is also available.
We also offer a range of books and graphic novels for relaxation and enjoyment.
The Success Centre
Located in our Learning Resource Centre, our Success Centre is a dedicated space where you can come and talk to one of the team about any support needs you may have and access our wide range of resources. You can also meet one of our Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) here to receive support with completing assignments and preparing for exams.
Counselling is an opportunity for you to talk about and explore things that might be worrying you.
The counselling service we offer at City College is completely free and confidential and you can use the service without telling anyone. It is useful to tell your Tutor if you are going to miss a tutorial.
If you would like to get support you can ask your Tutor or a Student Adviser to call the counselling service or you can make contact yourself.
Your safety and well-being are important to us.
If you experience bullying, violence or abuse of any kind, or if you are worried about someone else, please don't keep quiet. We can help!
We have a dedicated Safeguarding team who can be contacted confidentially by mobile or email.
Read more about our Safeguarding Policy (pdf) and our Prevent Policy (pdf)
Children and Families legislation requires us to publish information on our contribution to the ‘local offer’. This information is designed to inform parents, carers and young people regarding special educational provision in their area.
Find out more information about our Local Offer (pdf).
Read more about the Careers Support and Guidance we provide.
Read more information about our Financial Support and course fees